AP3010DN-AGN-FAT 快速配置。

在现有有线网络环境中 ,有dhcp-server,pc接交换端口可以动态获取ip地址上网。
无线ap 接到交换机接口上就可以发送出无线信号,但是终端客户的ip段无变化。

针对此问题 ,我们在配置ap的时候,不需要给ap 配置特别的业务vlan ,也不需要配置dhcpserver  网关之类的东西 。只要无线ap能够发送出无线信号 就满足客户的需求,只要接电脑能够动态获取ip地址上网 接ap就可以发出无线信号满足客户接入,即插即用。

添加的配置的时候先把ap 恢复出厂设置。

<Huawei>system-view   //进入系统视图
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[Huawei]interface Wlan-Bss0
[Huawei-Wlan-Bss0]port hybrid pvid  vlan 1
[Huawei-Wlan-Bss0]port hybrid untagged vlan 1
[Huawei]interface Wlan-Bss1
[Huawei-Wlan-Bss1]port hybrid pvid  vlan 1
[Huawei-Wlan-Bss1]port hybrid untagged vlan 1
[Huawei-wlan-view]wmm-profile  name wm
[Huawei-wlan-view]radio-profile name rp
[Huawei-wlan-radio-prof-rp]wmm-profile name wm
[Huawei-wlan-view]traffic-profile  name  tp
[Huawei-wlan-view]security-profile name sp
[Huawei-wlan-sec-prof-sp]security-policy wpa2
[Huawei-wlan-sec-prof-sp]wpa2 authentication-method psk pass-phrase cipher 12345678 encryption-method ccmp // 设置无线密码12345678
[Huawei-wlan-view]service-set name ss2.4G
[Huawei-wlan-service-set-ss2.4G]wlan-bss 0
[Huawei-wlan-service-set-ss2.4G]ssid huawei    // 设置无线信号的ssid huawei
[Huawei-wlan-service-set-ss2.4G]traffic-profile  name  tp
[Huawei-wlan-service-set-ss2.4G]security-profile name sp
[Huawei-wlan-view]service-set name ss5G
[Huawei-wlan-service-set-ss5G]wlan-bss 1
[Huawei-wlan-service-set-ss5G]ssid huawei    // 设置无线信号的ssid huawei
[Huawei-wlan-service-set-ss5G]traffic-profile  name  tp
[Huawei-wlan-service-set-ss5G]security-profile name sp
[Huawei]interface Wlan-Radio0/0/0 //下发2.4G信号
[Huawei-Wlan-Radio0/0/0]radio-profile name rp
Warning: Modify the Radio type may cause some parameters of Radio resume default value, are you sure to continue?[Y/N]:y
[Huawei-Wlan-Radio0/0/0]channel 20mhz 1  //设置信道为1 信道可以指定也可以不用指定 看具体的环境决定
[Huawei-Wlan-Radio0/0/0]service-set name ss2.4G
[Huawei]interface Wlan-Radio0/0/1 //下发5G信号
[Huawei-Wlan-Radio0/0/1]radio-profile name rp
Warning: Modify the Radio type may cause some parameters of Radio resume default value, are you sure to continue?[Y/N]:y
[Huawei-Wlan-Radio0/0/1]service-set name ss5G
[Huawei]interface  Vlanif 1
[Huawei-Vlanif1]ip address 24 //配置ap的管理ip地址
[Huawei]display  vap  service-set name ss2.4G  //查看2.4G的vap是否生成
All VAP Information(Total-1):
SS: Service-set     BP: Bridge-profile
Radio ID  SS ID  BP ID  WLAN ID  BSSID           Type
0         0      –      1        7CA2-3EE7-C270  service
Total: 1

<Huawei>save //保存配置
The current configuration will be written to the device.
Are you sure to continue? (y/n)[n]:y
It will take several minutes to save configuration file, please wait…………………….
Configuration file had been saved successfully
Note: The configuration file will take effect after being activated

